Category: Labor law and working conditions
Are christmas hampers an acquired right?
In recent years, the majority of rulings given by our Courts and Tribunals in relation to so-called Christmas hampers have interpreted the issue in a flexible manner and therefore considered that the granting of a Christmas hamper should not be automatically deemed as a more favorable condition, each case requiring an individual analysis to determine […]
The statute of limitations and the claim for vacation pay in the contact center sector
Following the controversy in the Contact Center sector over the items that should be included in vacation pay, on January 18, 2017, the Labor Chamber of the National Court gave judgment after analyzing the statute of limitations period applicable to claims for amount after a declaration of a collective bargaining agreement provision regulating vacation pay […]
The right to lactation breaks depends on the employment situation of the other parent
Andalucía High Court (Labor Chamber, sitting in Seville) has delivered various judgments in recent months (judgments of July 1 and November 5, 2015, and of July 18, 2016), concluding that a worker applying for lactation breaks, whether male or female, is not entitled to those breaks if the other parent is unemployed. The particular message […]
What happens when workers under indefinite-term contracts for seasonal work have a temporary disability when they are called to work?
The supreme court judgment of July 14, 2016, which went by almost completely unnoticed, dealt with this unique issue affecting workers under indefinite-term contracts for seasonal work, and the companies using this contract type. In the examined case, at the beginning of every season, the defendant company called the workers under indefinite-term contracts for seasonal […]