Category: Collective bargaining

Ten possible changes in labor legislation expected by 2025
2025 is set to be a key year for labor relations in Spain, as major reforms that have been in the pipeline in recent times are expected. The reduction of the working day and other changes in working hours, possible changes in compensation for dismissals or termination of the contract due to permanent disability, the […]

Labor and Employment Blog Garrigues: Compendium 2024
We bid farewell to the year 2024 by sharing a compendium (clic here) of all the posts published this year on the Labor & Employment Blog. We trust that this will be an excellent opportunity to review the year’s labor and employment law issues and other matters of interest in the area by revisiting our […]

Summer mix 2024: A refresher on five hits of employment law
Providing services in high temperatures, working remotely in the summer or during school summer vacation, appropriate clothing for working in summer or digital disconnection are some of the big issues that arise in companies at this time of year. On the hottest days of the year, on the eve of the central weeks of summer […]

Spain: The National Appellate Court outlines the requirements relating to teleworking agreements and the consequences of non-compliance
Distance working is proving a challenge for employers, and its implementation in practice needs to be regulated internally. A judgment of the National Appellate Court has set out the key aspects to be considered in relation to teleworking agreements. Teleworking is defined as “distance working carried out through the use, exclusively or primarily, of information, […]

Personal days: keys to determining whether they are recoverable days and whether they are to be included for calculating fulfillment of the maximum annual working hours
In order to know how personal days should be treated at each organization, it is essential to check how they are defined in the collective labor agreement and look at the company’s standard practice. We often come across collective labor agreements that contain the worker’s right to take so-called discretionary days off, also known as […]

ERTE and Christmas hampers: are they compatible?
Due to the unforeseen and unprecedented impact of COVID-19, since mid-March 2020, many workers have been affected by contract suspension or reduced working hour procedures, known as temporary collective layoff procedures or ERTEs. In this post, we analyze whether said ERTE, especially in the case of suspended contracts, can affect the receipt of a Christmas […]