Tag: Equality

The new obligations of the European directive on transparency and equal pay that will have to be adopted in Spain in the next few years
The 2023 directive on equal pay for men and women contains a series of pay transparency measures that Member States will have to adopt. Although Spanish legislation already contains measures in this subject, the directive goes further. It is therefore advisable to prepare for the regulatory changes that will come with its transposition into Spanish […]

Equality plan: can the employer implement a plan unilaterally if the union refuses to negotiate?
A recent judgment clears the way for employers to carry out the equality plan process without needing to negotiate it with the workers’ representatives where no response has been received from the union in the specified period. Since January 13, 2021, employers have been required to fully comply with the new equality obligations, following the […]

Diversity and equality make their way into companies
The introduction of inclusive policies that enable a suitable working environment for LGBT workers is becoming increasingly more common. This commitment takes place under the current legislation and by looking forward to the regulations that are currently being passed. International LGBT Pride Day, held on June 28, seeks to visualize the fight for equality by […]

An equality plan, the best gift to celebrate International Women’s Day
This year’s International Women’s Day in 2022 is commemorated after the entry in force of the obligation for all companies (unless they have fewer than 50 workers) to draw up and implement an equality plan. The companies employing between 50 and 99 workers are already obliged to have an equality plan. For companies with larger […]

The professional classification system may conceal remunerative discrimination between men and women
Companies should check whether there are positions that, despite belonging to different professional groups or categories, perform the same functions and should therefore receive the same salary. Could there be indirect gender discrimination if a company remunerates its staff according to the applicable sectorial collective bargaining agreement tables? Is remunerative discrimination possible if the functions […]

On the road to equality at work: Where are we?
In 1957 the Treaty of Rome already contemplated the principle of equal pay between male and female workers for equal work, and therefore barred pay discrimination based on gender. And in March 2020 we heard the President of the European Commission say that “Gender equality is a fundamental principle of the European Union, but is […]