Category: Uncategorized

On the road to equality at work: Where are we?
In 1957 the Treaty of Rome already contemplated the principle of equal pay between male and female workers for equal work, and therefore barred pay discrimination based on gender. And in March 2020 we heard the President of the European Commission say that “Gender equality is a fundamental principle of the European Union, but is […]

ERTE and Christmas hampers: are they compatible?
Due to the unforeseen and unprecedented impact of COVID-19, since mid-March 2020, many workers have been affected by contract suspension or reduced working hour procedures, known as temporary collective layoff procedures or ERTEs. In this post, we analyze whether said ERTE, especially in the case of suspended contracts, can affect the receipt of a Christmas […]

López Ribalda Case: a review of the case law of the constitutional court on video surveillance?
Again, a ruling of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) causes major controversy about the constantly questioned and difficult balance between the employer’s right to monitor and surveil the activity of its employees and the latter’s right to the protection of their privacy (privacy and personal data). The judgment delivered by the ECHR on […]