Tag: work-life balance

The key role of good faith in the reduction and adaptation of working hours due to legal guardianship
The improvements introduced in recent years in rights of work-life balance consisting of reducing or adapting the working day have created interpretative doubts about their application and possible scope. Conflicts have arisen when, for example, the company considers that the case on which the person is relying is not accredited, or when there is no […]

Right to a work-life balance vs. the right to rest: which should prevail?
In the event of a conflict between a worker’s right to a work-life balance and the right to rest, which right should prevail? According to the Labor Chamber of the Canary Islands High Court, the right to a work-life balance should always “win” in this conflict, provided that it is evidenced that the timetable chosen […]

Right to adapt working hours: much ado about nothing?
One of the hot topics in the employment arena is the right of workers to request adaptations to their working hours, as introduced by Royal Decree-Law 6/2019, of March 1, 2019, on urgent measures to guarantee equality. This right, which is set out in article 34.8 of the Workers’ Statute and is starting to be […]

Disconnecting from work: a new reality
Employers must develop in-house policies laying down the right of employees to disconnect from work, with special emphasis on remote working using digital tools. Recent legislation — Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, 2018 — not only brings Spanish law on the protection of personal data up-to-date, but also includes a section regulating the protection of citizens’ […]

Could the inequality between paternity leave and maternity leave be unconstitutional?
A father has managed to have an appeal admitted by the Constitutional Court, in which he claims that the inequality between paternity leave and maternity leave is a form of discrimination. Last May the Constitutional Court (CT) admitted an appeal for the protection of constitutional rights filed by a father who had been denied the […]

Physical exercise: a contractual obligation?
There are numerous studies linking the regular practice of physical exercise to greater productivity in the workplace. Exercise improves health in general, so logically it enables our bodies to be in a better condition to perform our duties at work. That is the conclusion reached by many studies, one of which is called “The effect […]
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