Category: Workers’ representatives

Ten possible changes in labor legislation expected by 2025
2025 is set to be a key year for labor relations in Spain, as major reforms that have been in the pipeline in recent times are expected. The reduction of the working day and other changes in working hours, possible changes in compensation for dismissals or termination of the contract due to permanent disability, the […]

Labor and Employment Blog Garrigues: Compendium 2024
We bid farewell to the year 2024 by sharing a compendium (clic here) of all the posts published this year on the Labor & Employment Blog. We trust that this will be an excellent opportunity to review the year’s labor and employment law issues and other matters of interest in the area by revisiting our […]

Summer mix 2024: A refresher on five hits of employment law
Providing services in high temperatures, working remotely in the summer or during school summer vacation, appropriate clothing for working in summer or digital disconnection are some of the big issues that arise in companies at this time of year. On the hottest days of the year, on the eve of the central weeks of summer […]

The dismissed workers’ legal representative loses this status as the judgment is being resolved
A judgment handed down by the Labor Chamber of the Supreme Court has declared that the status of workers’ representative cannot be exercised from the time of the disciplinary dismissal until the court ruling is handed down. This does not violate the provisions of article 67.3 of the Workers’ Statute regarding the duration of the […]

Members of the health and safety committee are not granted additional guarantees when they act on behalf of the company
The Supreme Court has clarified that members of the health and safety committee acting on behalf of the company do not have the same guarantees as members of the Works Council, given that the performance of their functions is not conditioned by the fear of retaliation. The health and safety committee is the body in […]

The labor reform will increase the number of worker representatives at companies
Following the labor reform introduced by Royal Decree-law 32/2021, published on December 30, 2021, an unprecedented reduction is foreseen in Spain in temporary contracts. This will also mean a significant increase in indefinite-term contracts and, especially, seasonal contracts, therefore with an increase in the number of worker representatives and trade union presence at companies. Until […]