Category: Workers’ representatives

Compulsory time recording is now a reality
On May 12 next the measure which requires employers to keep a record of the workday comes into force. In this post we explain several recommendations to guarantee effective implementation of the ‘clock-in/clock-out’ system and to monitor the observance of working hours. Since the publication on March 12, 2019 of Royal Decree 8/2019 on urgent […]

Smoking three packs of cigarettes a day does not prevent a heart attack from being considered as a work-related accident
Supreme Court case law assumes that cardiovascular damage is a work-related accident, due to the fact that stress from work often triggers or contributes to cardiovascular disease. The Supreme Court has ruled the death of a security guard that suffered a sudden heart attack at work and during working hours as a work-related accident, […]

The courts fail to agree over the law applicable to employment contracts of cabin crew
A legal debate has arisen over which legislation applies to the employment contracts of airline cabin crew: the legislation of the country in which the worker was hired?, or the legislation determined by the employer’s nationality? When a strike occurs at an airline or at companies providing ground handling services related to air traffic, […]