Category: Case law / legal theory

Ten possible changes in labor legislation expected by 2025
2025 is set to be a key year for labor relations in Spain, as major reforms that have been in the pipeline in recent times are expected. The reduction of the working day and other changes in working hours, possible changes in compensation for dismissals or termination of the contract due to permanent disability, the […]

Labor and Employment Blog Garrigues: Compendium 2024
We bid farewell to the year 2024 by sharing a compendium (clic here) of all the posts published this year on the Labor & Employment Blog. We trust that this will be an excellent opportunity to review the year’s labor and employment law issues and other matters of interest in the area by revisiting our […]

The payment in installments of a severance compensation is compatible with the receipt of non-contributory unemployment benefits
The Supreme Court considers that the payment of a severance compensation in installments in progressive monthly amounts over several years through the subscription of an insurance policy is compatible with the non-contributory unemployment benefit for which, among other requirements, the recipient needs to have no income. It is not unusual for companies and employees to […]

Summer mix 2024: A refresher on five hits of employment law
Providing services in high temperatures, working remotely in the summer or during school summer vacation, appropriate clothing for working in summer or digital disconnection are some of the big issues that arise in companies at this time of year. On the hottest days of the year, on the eve of the central weeks of summer […]

Dividends will increase the contribution for self-employed business owners
Self-employed business owners are entitled to compute the income resulting from participation in equity capital for the calculation of annual income, which, in practice, it implies an increase in the self-employed business owner’s contribution, under the new contribution system applicable to them in force since 2023. On January 1, 2023, the reform introduced by Royal […]

Force majeure temporary layoff in Spain: labor solution before a cyberattack?
A judgment by the National High Court opened up the possibility of applying a temporary layoff file as a company is compromised by a hack and cannot go on with its activity as usual. On March 9, 2021, a routine morning at Spain’s State Public Employment Service (SEPE) turned into a day of chaos and […]