Category: Collective bargaining

Should there be equal working conditions at outsourced service providers and client companies?
The outsourcing of services in different sectors and areas of activity has given rise to the appearance of so-called multiservice firms, firms which, as their name indicates, provide various services falling under different areas of application of industry collective labor agreements. However, many of them have chosen to regulate their relationships with employees under preferentially […]

Agreement to “safeguard” collective labor agreements in the basque country
On January 17, 2017, employer’s association CONFEBASK and the four most representative trade unions in the Basque Country (ELA, LAB, CC.OO. and UGT) closed the door on over 18 years of differences over collective bargaining by signing a cross-professional agreement in relation to the structure of collective bargaining in the Basque Country, known more informally […]

Do workers have to product supporting documents to claim traveling expenses?
Under the collective labor rules on the refund of accommodation and living expenses, companies usually lay down guidelines or in-house rules on questions such as the valid documents for supporting the expense, the time limit for the worker to support the incurred expense, compliance with a specific procedure or application form for a refund, and […]