Category: Collective bargaining

Codes of ethics and compliance with employment legislation
Company codes of ethics and conduct are useful as instruments with which to regulate interaction and relations within an organization and establish what is expected of each person in it, but they should never overreach their scope and encroach on areas which are regulated by employment legislation. Employment law requires companies to put measures in […]

Teleworking: the importance of a good agreement
To avoid possible legal problems relating to working remotely or teleworking, it is essential for an agreement to be reached between the company and worker that suitably regulates this form of working. The fact that teleworking is here to stay is a reality that has been highlighted by the current health crisis and imminent entry […]

Gender equality plan: time is of the essence
Since last March, companies with more than 150 workers are obliged to prepare and implement a gender equality plan. In March 2021, this requirement will be extended to all companies with more than 100 workers and, in 2022, companies with more than 50 employees will also have to comply. The unprecedented situation we have been […]

Vacation in the time of covid-19: can the vacation period be changed?
The summer months are here, which is when employees at most companies take their vacations. In the current context created by the pandemic a shortage of work in many sectors and uncertainty over what will happen in the final months of the year are raising a stream of doubts over whether companies can take steps […]

Issues to consider in recovering paid time off during the state of emergency
Pursuant to Royal Decree-law 10/2020 of March 29, 2020, as from the end of the state of emergency on June 21 until December 31, 2020, companies will be able to recover the hours of their workers on paid leave from March 30 to April 9, 2020. The Royal Decree-law forced all workers that were not […]

what are transnational framework agreements and why you didn’t know you want one
Transnational company agreements bolster company-worker relations by providing clear and stable rules. These kinds of agreements have been being signed for 10 years and there are already more than 300 identified in the joint database of the International Labor Organization and the European Commission. Lately I feel like a smartphone: the more I get updated, I […]