Author: Nicolás Clark

Spain: Compensation for teleworking expenses is not to be included in the social security contribution base
According to the Social Security General Treasury’s Noticias RED bulletin 3/2021, compensation paid by employers to their workers for expenses linked to teleworking arrangements is to be excluded from the contribution base. Royal Decree-Law 28/2020 of September 22, 2020 on remote working was published on September 22, 2020, and later became Remote Working Law 10/2021 […]

Spain: Is the Rider’s Law the final solution to the problem?
Social partners and the Government have held negotiations in recent months in an attempt to provide a solution in labor legislation for the situation of the so-called riders. Finally, at the end of March 2021, an agreement was reached which culminated in the widely known ‘Rider Law’ passed by Royal Decree-Law 9/2021, which amends the […]

What is the cost of replacing a person with a robot?
A recent judgment of Labor Court no. 10 of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria has held that the introduction of a robot (or bot) in the working organization at a company is not sufficient grounds to justify a worker’s dismissal. The ruling, dated September 23, 2019, analyzes the dismissal of an employee engaged in certain […]

Labor compliance: where’s the line to be drawn when employees receive gifts from customers and suppliers?
At this time of year, doubts arise as to whether a worker can be regarded as unbiased if he/she receives gifts from company suppliers or whether such practices are compatible with the standards of transparency that companies insist on today. Companies must take measures to ensure that employees conduct themselves in a given way. In […]

More vacation for giving up smoking?
Smoking at the workplace except in open-air spaces was banned among the measures in Law 28/2005, of December 26, 2005 on anti-smoking health measures and on the sale, supply, use and advertising of tobacco products, known as the Anti-Smoking Law, which came into force on January 1, 2006. As might be expected, this ban changed […]

The right to lactation breaks depends on the employment situation of the other parent
Andalucía High Court (Labor Chamber, sitting in Seville) has delivered various judgments in recent months (judgments of July 1 and November 5, 2015, and of July 18, 2016), concluding that a worker applying for lactation breaks, whether male or female, is not entitled to those breaks if the other parent is unemployed. The particular message […]