Tag: Paternity

Labor equality is the star of the Women’s day celebration
Women’s Day has arrived, accompanied this year by important new features in the legislation on equal treatment and equal opportunities for women and men in employment and occupation. Last Friday, March 1, 2019, the Council of Ministers approved a royal decree-law containing significant measures in this area. This legislation was finally published on March 7, […]

Childbirth leave: on your mark, get set… SHARED RESPONSIBILITY!
Measures aimed at eliminating imbalance in the domestic workload pave the way for new childbirth leave for fathers so that they can share the responsibilities that come with childbirth with their spouses. The plenary session of the Lower House of the Spanish Parliament held on October 16 unanimously approved (with no more and no less […]

Could the inequality between paternity leave and maternity leave be unconstitutional?
A father has managed to have an appeal admitted by the Constitutional Court, in which he claims that the inequality between paternity leave and maternity leave is a form of discrimination. Last May the Constitutional Court (CT) admitted an appeal for the protection of constitutional rights filed by a father who had been denied the […]

Maternity leave or leave due to risk during pregnancy count for receipt of incentives
In the space of a few days, the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Count handed down judgments declaring business practices that do not take into consideration the time a worker is on maternity leave (maternity leave proper or leave due to risk during pregnancy) to be discriminatory. The Supreme Court, in its recent judgment of […]

A reflection on shared responsibility. Is it enough?
There is no doubt about it, the era of shared responsibility has arrived. Its arrival is justified in view of the data revealed by various studies and statistics that show that women’s integration in the workplace has not gone hand in hand with men’s involvement in domestic chores and the care of family members. To […]