The supreme court rules that dismissals qualify as a collective layoff (redundancy) where they exceed the legal thresholds at an establishment with more than 20 workers

The Supreme Court has ruled, in a judgment delivered on October 17, 2016, that for the purposes of determining the existence of a collective layoff, the reference unit must be the company, if the thresholds established in article 51.1 of the Workers’ Statute are exceeded at the company as a whole, and establishments that normally […]

Do workers have to product supporting documents to claim traveling expenses?

Under the collective labor rules on the refund of accommodation and living expenses, companies usually lay down guidelines or in-house rules on questions such as the valid documents for supporting the expense, the time limit for the worker to support the incurred expense, compliance with a specific procedure or application form for a refund, and […]

The right to lactation breaks depends on the employment situation of the other parent

Andalucía High Court (Labor Chamber, sitting in Seville) has delivered various judgments in recent months (judgments of July 1 and November 5, 2015, and of July 18, 2016), concluding that a worker applying for lactation breaks, whether male or female, is not entitled to those breaks if the other parent is unemployed. The particular message […]

What happens when workers under indefinite-term contracts for seasonal work have a temporary disability when they are called to work?

The supreme court judgment of July 14, 2016, which went by almost completely unnoticed, dealt with this unique issue affecting workers under indefinite-term contracts for seasonal work, and the companies using this contract type. In the examined case, at the beginning of every season, the defendant company called the workers under indefinite-term contracts for seasonal […]

A social security code for robots?

The debate arose at the World Economic Forum (WEF) ( this year, when it indicated that according to different studies, robots (artificial intelligence) would lead to a loss of five million jobs in the top fifteen most industrialized countries worldwide. Is it, as the famous REM song says, the end of the world as we […]

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