Category: Legislative developments

Recording of working time: Should travel time be included?
The new regulations on the recording of working time is arousing a number of doubts in relation to their application. One of such doubts is whether or not travel time should be recorded as working time. To resolve the issue, we should ask ourselves whether or not the time devoted to travel should be considered […]

Right to adapt working hours: much ado about nothing?
One of the hot topics in the employment arena is the right of workers to request adaptations to their working hours, as introduced by Royal Decree-Law 6/2019, of March 1, 2019, on urgent measures to guarantee equality. This right, which is set out in article 34.8 of the Workers’ Statute and is starting to be […]

For the purposes of the registration of daily working hours … participation in commercial events is considered as effective working time.
Royal Decree-law 8/2019 on urgent measures for social protection and the fight against labor insecurity with respect to working hours recently amended article 34 of the Workers’ Statute and established a duty for companies to effectively guarantee the registration of daily working hours as of May 12, 2019. Furthermore, the Court of Justice of the […]

Voluntary collaboration by employers in the management of sick leave benefits comes to an end
Voluntary collaboration by employers in the management of sick leave benefits comes to an end May 30, 2019 Verónica Lagares Tena The approval of Royal Decree-law 28/2018 has done away with voluntary collaboration by employers in the management of sick leave benefits due to common contingencies – non-occupational illnesses or accidents-. Voluntary collaboration […]

Compulsory time recording is now a reality
On May 12 next the measure which requires employers to keep a record of the workday comes into force. In this post we explain several recommendations to guarantee effective implementation of the ‘clock-in/clock-out’ system and to monitor the observance of working hours. Since the publication on March 12, 2019 of Royal Decree 8/2019 on urgent […]

New conciliation measures will increase litigation
The new regulations passed to promote equality between men and women recognize the right to adapt working hours, without a reduction thereof, to improve conciliation of work and family life. In the absence of collective bargaining or an individual agreement, there must be a negotiation and, in the event of a dispute, the company’s decision […]