Self-employment and retirement pensions: the uncertainty grows

The Law on urgent self-employment reforms brought with it the possibility for self-employed workers to take advantage of a new form of active retirement, which enables them to continue to work on a self-employed basis and receive their entire pension. However, one year down the line, there are still many doubts surrounding this possibility. Law […]

Smoking three packs of cigarettes a day does not prevent a heart attack from being considered as a work-related accident

Supreme Court case law assumes that cardiovascular damage is a work-related accident, due to the fact that stress from work often triggers or contributes to cardiovascular disease.   The Supreme Court has ruled the death of a security guard that suffered a sudden heart attack at work and during working hours as a work-related accident, […]

When are tips considered part of a worker’s wages?

If the tip is a direct transfer between the customer and the worker without the company’s involvement, it will not form part of the worker’s wages. The lack of labor regulations governing tips in many business sectors (with some exceptions, such as the casino sector which does regulate them) leaves us with myriad questions regarding […]

corresponsabilidad, igualdad

Childbirth leave: on your mark, get set… SHARED RESPONSIBILITY!

Measures aimed at eliminating imbalance in the domestic workload pave the way for new childbirth leave for fathers so that they can share the responsibilities that come with childbirth with their spouses.  The plenary session of the Lower House of the Spanish Parliament held on October 16 unanimously approved (with no more and no less […]

labor law firm

Evidence supplied by detectives to prove labor infringements is only valid in the case of well-founded suspicions

For a company to be able to have a worker lawfully monitored by a detective, mere indications of possible irregular conduct are not enough. A few years ago we commented in this blog on the possibility of an employer seeking a detective’s services where the employer suspects fraudulent conduct on the part of one of […]

law firm, permisos retribuidos

The courts introduce new criteria for determining the start date of paid leave

In recent months, several judgments of the Supreme Court and the National Appellate Court – some of them contradictory – have interpreted the moment at which the period for enjoying paid leave should be deemed to start. On April 5, we published a post on the moment when paid leave starts in which we analyzed […]

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