Author: Ismael Viejo

Equal Pay Day: what has been achieved so far and the challenges that remain
September 18 is the third anniversary of the approval by United Nations (UN) of International Equal Pay Day, a reminder of the progress made and what has still to be achieved to bring about real equality between men and women in the area of employment. The first international rule aimed at combating inequality between men […]

Voluntary resignation implies the forfeiting of variable remuneration, but there are special cases
The Supreme Court has issued a judgment to unify legal doctrine that establishes that a worker is not entitled to receive the proportional part of his/her annual bonus in the case of voluntary resignation before the end of the accrual period. In this post, we analyze the judgment issued on October 22, 2020 and mentioned in the […]

National appellate court looks into time recording, beyond the coffee break
The Labor Chamber at Spain’s Appellate Court has delivered a widely reported judgment (December 10, 2019), underlining that it is valid to deduct smoking, breakfast or coffee breaks from actual working hours. Beyond this issue, however, two other no less important topics went unnoticed: how to compute the actual working hours of employees who travel […]

The courts uphold the dismissal, due to absence, of an employee on leave who avoided being notified of a vacancy enabling him to return to work
An employee on leave was notified on two occasions of a vacancy enabling him to return to work, as he himself had requested, and the employer, upon receiving no reply, dismissed him on grounds of serious and culpable breach, based on his unjustified absence from work. A judgment of the High Court of the Principality […]

Blind cvs as a way of preventing discrimination
In recent years, the search for ways to prevent or reduce discrimination in the workplace has been one of the Spanish legislators’ main priorities and one of the most important problems to resolve. In particular, factors as diverse as age, gender, origin, personal appearance and even race and skin color may sometimes be a barrier […]

Is it legal to use surveillance cameras in the context of disciplinary dismissals?
On January 31 and February 2, 2017, the Supreme Court handed down two relevant judgments in which it analyzed whether or not fundamental rights are violated when recordings from video surveillance cameras are used for disciplinary purposes without having formally informed the workers of the installation of the cameras. In recent years, the majority position […]
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