The professional classification system may conceal remunerative discrimination between men and women

Companies should check whether there are positions that, despite belonging to different professional groups or categories, perform the same functions and should therefore receive the same salary. Could there be indirect gender discrimination if a company remunerates its staff according to the applicable sectorial collective bargaining agreement tables? Is remunerative discrimination possible if the functions […]

Voluntary resignation implies the forfeiting of variable remuneration, but there are special cases

The Supreme Court has issued a judgment to unify legal doctrine that establishes that a worker is not entitled to receive the proportional part of his/her annual bonus in the case of voluntary resignation before the end of the accrual period. In this post, we analyze the judgment issued on October 22, 2020 and mentioned in the […]

Are christmas hampers an acquired right?

In recent years, the majority of rulings given by our Courts and Tribunals in relation to so-called Christmas hampers have interpreted the issue in a flexible manner and therefore considered that the granting of a Christmas hamper should not be automatically deemed as a more favorable condition, each case requiring an individual analysis to determine […]