
The automatic application of the occupational risk prevention procedure for COVID-19 may lead to problems for companies
The Ministry of Health’s Operating Procedure for Occupational Risk Prevention Services to mitigate exposure to SARS-CoV-2 establishes certain criteria and measures aimed at preventing COVID-19 infections. However, automatically applying some of the contents of this procedure could entail certain risks for companies. A recent judgment highlights the need to take into consideration the specific circumstances […]

Labor law challenges in 2021: digital rights, regulation of digital platforms and 4-day workweeks?
In this post, we tackle some of the labor law challenges that are present for 2021 in such areas as equality, digital rights, minimum wage, forced retirement or the working conditions of workers under outsourcing arrangements or digital platforms. During the last 2020, the dramatic health situation has been accompanied by a legislative whirlwind which, […]

2020: A year of great challenges for labor relation
We say goodbye to 2020 without much sadness. Quite the opposite. We do so with the hope and the excitement that 2021 will be a friendlier year to everyone and, in the labor law arena, given the choice, if not less prolific in legislative developments – since they are needed to modernize our obsolete labour […]

Voluntary resignation implies the forfeiting of variable remuneration, but there are special cases
The Supreme Court has issued a judgment to unify legal doctrine that establishes that a worker is not entitled to receive the proportional part of his/her annual bonus in the case of voluntary resignation before the end of the accrual period. In this post, we analyze the judgment issued on October 22, 2020 and mentioned in the […]

ERTE and Christmas hampers: are they compatible?
Due to the unforeseen and unprecedented impact of COVID-19, since mid-March 2020, many workers have been affected by contract suspension or reduced working hour procedures, known as temporary collective layoff procedures or ERTEs. In this post, we analyze whether said ERTE, especially in the case of suspended contracts, can affect the receipt of a Christmas […]

The right to inform employees is not limited to labor union representatives
Companies, as like labor union representatives, may also wish to inform employees of their position with respect to matters of interest, for example in the context of collective bargaining. The courts have ruled on this issue on a number of occasions, according to the specific cases involved. The right to inform employees on the progress […]