3-day weekends: a real possibility?

In a year still marked by the pandemic and by its impact on employment, there is an ongoing public debate in Spain regarding the possibility of reducing working time to 4 days a week. At the beginning of 2021 the Government promised the political party Más País to perform a social experiment aimed at having […]

As the ODS get older, ESG criteria make progress, also in a labor environment

September 25 is the sixth anniversary of the approval of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by the United Nations Organization (UNO). Objectives such as gender equality and equal pay for the same work, as well as theprotection of labor rights, are among the UNO’s priorities from a labor perspective. In recent years, the business world […]

It is possible to deduct part of a worker’s salary for arriving late to work

Fernando Pomposo Labor Chamber Four of the Supreme Court has ruled that companies can deduct the time a worker arrives late to work from his/her salary if it is on a regular basis. The Court considered that “if the failure to provide services is solely attributable to the worker who arrives to work late, the […]

The fine red line between freedom of enterprise and religious freedom

Under debate, again is the dilemma regarding which right should prevail: that of employers to make their business a neutral space from an ideological, philosophical and religious perspective, or that of workers to make visible their convictions, also in the workplace, where they do not cease to be persons? This legitimate confrontation of rights between […]

From Jägermeister to justified dismissal: controversial conduct by workers on sick leave

Although certain sources claim that the famous German liquor Jägermeister was used during the Second World War by soldiers as an anesthetic and disinfectant, we are still unaware (at least officially) of its properties in dealing with anxiety and depression and its consumption by workers on sick leave could be questioned.   We begin with […]

COVID-19 Can companies retrieve recoverable paid leave in 2021?

With a view to containing the spread of COVID-19 through social distancing, Royal Decree-Law 10/2020 ordered the suspension of non-essential business activities from March 30 through April 9, expressly treating this period of inactivity as compulsory recoverable paid leave. The need to make up this time has caused problems and as a result, the first […]

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