What content must be included in basic copies of employment contracts?

The Supreme Court has clarified what content must be included in the basic copies of employment contracts that companies must provide to the workers’ statutory representatives in accordance with article 8 of the Workers’ Statute. It has done so in a judgment handed down by the Labor Chamber on May 26, 2021, which confirmed the […]

Towards a new way of working (or not) in a labor market without COVID-19

The COVID-19 public health crisis has had an unprecedented impact on the labor market in Spain, making it essential to implement extraordinary measures to offset the effects that this crisis has had on employment. Two main, extraordinary measures have been put in place in the area of human resources and labor relations: temporary collective layoff […]

The Constitutional Court diminishes the value of agreements reached in collective dismissals

  Up to recently, whether an agreement was reached with the employees’ representatives in a collective dismissal procedure was important. Reaching that agreement meant a (very) significant legal effect: the case law considered that the reasons justifying the collective dismissal had to be presumed to exist and, as a consequence of the above, the employees […]

New ground for a dismissal to be held null and void: discrimination by association

  Can a dismissal be discriminatory based on gender and, therefore, null and void, even though the employee that has been dismissed does not form part of a legally protected group? The conclusion reached by the Labor Chamber of the High Court of Justice of Galicia, in its judgment of March 4, 2021, was that […]

Prorating special payments: to do or not to do?

It is relatively frequent for employers to prorate, on a monthly basis, the two special payments usually paid in the summer and at Christmas. But … when is it actually possible to do this legally? To answer this question, we must first take a look at article 31 of the Workers’ Statute, which establishes the […]

Teleworking can help to reduce absenteeism

  The pandemic in which we have lived since March 2020 has entailed the unavoidable and unexpected implementation of the teleworking system, without any possibility of previously analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of this type of work, and even without there being sufficient regulations on the matter when it all began. Teleworking, in jobs where […]

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