Doubts concerning the commitment to maintain jobs in relation to ERTEs (temporary lay-off procedures)

The various rules approved since the declaration of the state of emergency for the purpose of regulating ERTEs have generated a series of legal questions on which employers require clarification. One example is the uncertainty surrounding the commitment to maintain jobs, in a scenario which has proved to be more complicated and longer lasting than […]

The assumed prohibition of dismissal on grounds related to COVID-19

Recently, there have been several contradictory court judgments in relation to the classification of the grounds for dismissal related to COVID-19. The issue to be resolved is whether the unjustified nature of a dismissal related to COVID-19 leads to the consideration of unlawful dismissal and can even be considered as null and void. The dispute […]

Companies will have to pay the expenses associated to telework

The new legislation regulating working from home (called telework when electronic means are used) has finally been published and requires companies to pay the associated expenses or reimburse them, without workers assuming expenses related to equipment, tools or the necessary means to perform their work. But, will this have tax and Social Security consequences? Royal Decree-Law 28/2020, […]

Back to an “ERTE”: solutions on how to survive outbreaks of COVID-19

Companies that have been affected by COVID-19 outbreaks and the strengthening of certain measures and administrative restrictions could consider implementing a temporary collective layoff procedure that enables them to survive the second wave of the pandemic. Companies did not exactly make a killing in August this year. The macroeconomic figures provided by the different official bodies, […]

Gender equality plan: time is of the essence

Since last March, companies with more than 150 workers are obliged to prepare and implement a gender equality plan. In March 2021, this requirement will be extended to all companies with more than 100 workers and, in 2022, companies with more than 50 employees will also have to comply. The unprecedented situation we have been […]

Striking a work/life balance with covid-19: the new rules on working hours during the plan for easing lockdown

The different phases in the easing of lockdown include going back to work and with this, the need to strike a work/life balance. However, this time there is an additional problem – no school – and those that tend to take care of the children over the holidays (the grandparents) are some of the people […]

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