Category: Labor law trends
Requirements for the electronic signature of employment contracts
In the era of WhatsApp, apps and LinkedIn we live in , the question arises as to whether the electronic signature of the employment contracts equivalents to the traditional handwritten signature. In order to answer that question, we must turn our sights to Regulation No 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions […]
Use of GPS tracking only valid during working hours
With barely two months to go until the entry into force of the new General Data Protection Regulation (May 25, 2018), its impact on labor relations continues to be a live issue. On previous occasions we have talked about recordings obtained from video surveillance cameras and their use in the area of labor relations as […]
Do workers loaned by temporary employment agencies have the same rights?
Equal treatment of the employees of a user company and the workers loaned to it by a temporary employment agency (known as an “ETT” in Spain) continues to be a highly relevant issue and has undergone some changes in recent years. Article 11 of Law 14/1994, of June 1,1994, regulating ETTs, has been significantly amended […]
Data protection, a new challenge for companies
Data protection, a new challenge for companies One of the aspects of labor relations in which most doubts arise concerns the data protection obligations, rules and policies with which companies must comply. Indeed, an analysis of circulars, instructions, decisions, guidelines, etc. issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) over the years, reveals that a […]
More vacation for giving up smoking?
Smoking at the workplace except in open-air spaces was banned among the measures in Law 28/2005, of December 26, 2005 on anti-smoking health measures and on the sale, supply, use and advertising of tobacco products, known as the Anti-Smoking Law, which came into force on January 1, 2006. As might be expected, this ban changed […]
ET calling lawmakers: is there anybody out there?
As the song says “the times they are a-changin’” and, with them, the realities of the job market and its characteristics. Proof of this is the impact of technological development and advances in robotics on the social order. Beyond the traditional types of work regulated under current legislation, these factors are constructing a new “universe” […]