Job offers: discrimination comes at a cost

Job offers by companies must avoid all possible discrimination. This not only helps to safeguard equal treatment in the organization, but also avoids possible fines. Even now in 2020, we often find job offers that do not guarantee a minimum principle of equal treatment and which are therefore discriminatory according to labor legislation: “Job vacancy […]

Companies will have to pay the expenses associated to telework

The new legislation regulating working from home (called telework when electronic means are used) has finally been published and requires companies to pay the associated expenses or reimburse them, without workers assuming expenses related to equipment, tools or the necessary means to perform their work. But, will this have tax and Social Security consequences? Royal Decree-Law 28/2020, […]

Gender equality plan: time is of the essence

Since last March, companies with more than 150 workers are obliged to prepare and implement a gender equality plan. In March 2021, this requirement will be extended to all companies with more than 100 workers and, in 2022, companies with more than 50 employees will also have to comply. The unprecedented situation we have been […]

Video conferences hosted by the labor courts: online trials make progress with the pandemic

On May 12, the “de-escalation” commenced for the Administration of Justice and on June 4, procedural terms will recommence. Little by little, the courts are returning to business after months in which the pandemic caused by COVID-19 has given rise to progress in holding trials on line. Nevertheless, there are still important steps to be […]

Inclusion and diversity: beyond equality, what can companies do?

Although Spain is one of the countries with the most advanced legislation on inclusion and diversity, companies can incorporate different initiatives that help to ensure the protection of everyone in a labor environment. On June 26, the world celebrated what is commonly known as the ‘LGBT Pride Day’. The date is not irrelevant and takes us […]

Labor jurisdiction adapts to covid-19: on-line trials, preferential processing and time limits

  The health crisis has caused an authentic revolution in the field of Justice. The suspension of proceedings and arrival of new matters directly related to the consequences of the pandemic have made it necessary to take measures in order to meet the new needs of the labor jurisdiction, which was already overburdened. The following […]

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