Spain: The Social Security opens the door to a flat rate for corporate self-employed individuals

Since the entry into force of the Law on Urgent Reforms for Self-employed Individuals, the Social Security has continuously refused access to so-called “corporate self-employed individuals” to a “flat rate”. Three years after the  publication of the Law, it now includes them in the scope of application of the benefit, accepting the interpretation of the […]

Social security classification of senior managers, directors and board members

The social security authorities have launched a campaign to analyze the classification of senior management personnel, directors and board members of commercial companies. Against this backdrop, we review the differences between classifying a relationship under the general social security regime or under the special regime for self-employed workers and their implications In recent months, many […]

Labor law challenges in 2021: digital rights, regulation of digital platforms and 4-day workweeks?

In this post, we tackle some of the labor law challenges that are present for 2021 in such areas as equality, digital rights, minimum wage, forced retirement or the working conditions of workers under outsourcing arrangements or digital platforms. During the last 2020, the dramatic health situation has been accompanied by a legislative whirlwind which, […]

2020: A year of great challenges for labor relation

We say goodbye to 2020 without much sadness. Quite the opposite. We do so with the hope and the excitement that 2021 will be a friendlier year to everyone and, in the labor law arena, given the choice, if not less prolific in legislative developments – since they are needed to modernize our obsolete labour […]

ERTE and Christmas hampers: are they compatible?

Due to the unforeseen and unprecedented impact of COVID-19, since mid-March 2020, many workers have been affected by contract suspension or reduced working hour procedures, known as temporary collective layoff procedures or ERTEs. In this post, we analyze whether said ERTE, especially in the case of suspended contracts, can affect the receipt of a Christmas […]

International Day of Persons with Disabilities: Work situation in times of COVID-19

The COVID-19 crisis has had a special impact on labor relations, as companies have been forced to take different measures to cope with the effects of the pandemic on their businesses. Nevertheless, perhaps it has gone unnoticed that these measures have been applied in the same way to persons with disabilities, who have also become […]

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