Digital labor rights and substantial increases in contributions, some of the labor innovations for 2019

The month of December 2018 and the first few days of January 2019 have been particularly prolific with respect to labor innovations. Some of these innovations have been practically eclipsed, without having received the attention they deserve. Reading this post will bring you fully up to date with the most important labor innovations in the […]

labor law firm

Evidence supplied by detectives to prove labor infringements is only valid in the case of well-founded suspicions

For a company to be able to have a worker lawfully monitored by a detective, mere indications of possible irregular conduct are not enough. A few years ago we commented in this blog on the possibility of an employer seeking a detective’s services where the employer suspects fraudulent conduct on the part of one of […]

despacho laboral

Can they fire me if I don’t agree to working part-time?

A judgment from the Supreme Court reopens the debate on dismissals of employees who refuse to change their full-time contract to part-time when there is a reduction in the company’s workload. A full-time contract is linked to the performance of the tasks specific to the category engaged, within the working hours set by the collective […]

Despacho de abogados derecho laboral post sobre tripulantes de cabina

The courts fail to agree over the law applicable to employment contracts of cabin crew

A legal debate has arisen over which legislation applies to the employment contracts of airline cabin crew: the legislation of the country in which the worker was hired?, or the legislation determined by the employer’s nationality?   When a strike occurs at an airline or at companies providing ground handling services related to air traffic, […]

hablas inglés en el despacho

Speaking English at work may become compulsory

Obliging workers to communicate in English at work may not be lawful in general, however there are mechanisms to require it in positions in which it is essential. One year ago, in September 2017, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, which belongs to the Ministry of Development, confirmed that it would not limit the application […]

To have access to a public contract, companies must adopt measures for disabled workers

To have access to a public contract, companies must adopt measures for disabled workers

Breaching the law that requires reserving job positions for disabled persons not only entails statutory penalties but now may also bar a company from the possibility of opting for a significant public contract. Since this past March 2018, according to the new wording of the Public Sector Contracts Law, there is a statutory prohibition on […]

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