Author: Isabel Esteban

How does the Government’s energy efficiency plan affect heating and air conditioning at companies? Questions from the labor point of view
The recently approved energy saving and efficiency measures directly affect the temperature that companies must have in their facilities but, at the same time, raise questions that leave room for interpretation as well as doubts about coexistence with other regulations. Following the trend in legislation in connection with energy efficiency to which we referred in […]

An equality plan cannot be negotiated with an ad hoc committee
The Supreme Court has held, in a judgment of January 26, 2021, that the equality plan negotiated with a committee of five workers appointed by the employer itself is null and void. In the case analyzed, the Labor Chamber of the Supreme Court affirms in a cassation appeal the ruling of the Central High Court […]

Can companies ban smoking even in outdoor spaces?
In its November 13, 2017 judgment, the High Court of Justice of Cantabria rejected a complaint filed against a company that prohibited smoking throughout its factory grounds, including in outdoor spaces where workers went to smoke during their 15-minute breaks. The issue is interesting because it is not a case of determining whether employees can […]

Is “venting” on a social network a ground for dismissal?
This past March, the High Court of Justice of Extremadura upheld a judgment that had declared as unjustified the dismissal of a worker who had posted on a well-known social network a series of statements against his company and his colleagues for not finding someone to cover for him on the occasion of the death […]

Time off work for union duties is not generated during the holidays
The recent judgment by the Supreme Court of February 1, 2017 confirms its thinking in 2015 which held that time off work for union duties during the holiday period did not have a legal basis because it is paid leave that cannot be enjoyed when the employee is not working. In the case reviewed by […]