Author: Francisco Javier Domínguez Cuadrado

Should prescription glasses be provided by a company to its employees?
According to a recent judgment by the Court of Justice of the European Union, companies should only be liable for the cost of prescription glasses when, as a special corrective device, they serve to correct or prevent vision disorders that are specifically related to the job and not problems of vision or pathologies of a […]

Companies with 50 or more workers must set up an internal whistleblower channel
The “whistleblowing” directive requires companies to adopt the necessary measures to prohibit any form of retaliation against employees who report infringements within the company. At the beginning of this year, a proposal for a Commission directive on the protection of persons reporting on breach of Union law was being processed for approval by the European […]

The right to strike and its compatibility with an employer’s power to react
When a strike is called, it is not unusual to question how the legitimate exercise of the right to strike can co-exist with the worker’s compliance with the services for which he or she has been contracted. However, it must be remembered that striking is one of the most important rights that workers are afforded. […]

Beginning of the end of fraudulent temporary contracts?
Last Thursday the Government announced a set of measures that are going to be proposed to social partners at the Employment Quality Table, in order to combat unjustified temporary contracts in the employment market and encourage job stability. With the new proposed legislation, the fine that could be imposed by labor inspectors would increase exponentially, […]

Has the debate re-opened as to whether or not dismissal during sick leave is null and void?
A controversial issue in the area of labor relations has been the possible annulment of dismissal notified to a worker on sick leave, as a breach of the fundamental right of non-discrimination consecrated in article 14 of the Constitution. Until now, the Supreme Court has considered that “illness, from a specifically functional perspective of the […]