Derecho a la desconexión absentismo despido

Right to privacy and digital disconnection: can the company call an employee on sick leave?

Absenteeism from work is a problem of concern to companies. One of its main causes is temporary incapacity, so it is common for organizations to consider implementing protocols to verify the employee’s state of health, in which the possibility of contacting the employee is contemplated. But can companies call employees on sick leave? According to […]

Infringement of the right to digital disconnection does not justify any additional compensation

The Labor Chamber of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia has determined that subduing  an employee to very long working days and untimely working time, thus compromising his right to rest and digital disconnection, entitles the employee to the right to extinguish the contractual relationship, but not to be awarded any compensation associated with […]

‘Do not disturb’: Digital disconnection and training in the workplace in times of teleworking and COVID-19

Over the last few months the use of distance working in all its forms as a means of promoting flexibility and striking a work/life balance, as a temporary measure to contain COVID-19, is now commonplace in numerous sectors and companies. In this post we analyze the implications of telework in connection with the right to […]

Digital labor rights and substantial increases in contributions, some of the labor innovations for 2019

The month of December 2018 and the first few days of January 2019 have been particularly prolific with respect to labor innovations. Some of these innovations have been practically eclipsed, without having received the attention they deserve. Reading this post will bring you fully up to date with the most important labor innovations in the […]

Summer mix 2024: A refresher on five hits of employment law

Providing services in high temperatures, working remotely in the summer or during school summer vacation, appropriate clothing for working in summer or digital disconnection are some of the big issues that arise in companies at this time of year. On the hottest days of the year, on the eve of the central weeks of summer […]

Labor and employment implications on the use of instant messaging applications

The widespread use of new communication tools such as instant messaging applications has legal and labor implications that should be taken into account. We review some rulings in this regard. Devices such as cell phones, tablets and computers are part of workers’ personal and professional lives. Furthermore, the increase in working from home as a […]

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