Tag: environment

How does the Government’s energy efficiency plan affect heating and air conditioning at companies? Questions from the labor point of view
The recently approved energy saving and efficiency measures directly affect the temperature that companies must have in their facilities but, at the same time, raise questions that leave room for interpretation as well as doubts about coexistence with other regulations. Following the trend in legislation in connection with energy efficiency to which we referred in […]

Bicycles for public servants: energy saving measures in the Administration
In light of the risks posed by the current high dependence on energy, it is essential to implement measures that facilitate a reduction in the consumption of energy in the short term. These measures also apply to public servants. On May 26, 2022, the Official State Gazette published the resolution by the Cabinet passing the […]

“For the love of green”: labor law will be greener than ever
Labor relations in the next few decades will be marked by the green transition and the impact that it will have on the world of work. In the area of labor law we are beginning to tackle huge challenges that have given labor law matters in companies and in society a qualitative leap forward. In […]

Towards a green work model: 10 initiatives in the working environment
Companies can promote small changes in the working environment which contribute to environmental conservation: from arranging buses or company routes to teleworking, including the creation of the necessary jobs to monitor sustainable development. The connection between environmental issues and those of the world of work may seem remote, since they are of such a different […]