Tag: Conciliation

COVID-19 has given rise to the greatest labor experiment in the history of the world
One of the consequences of COVID-19 has been the complete transformation of labor relations, with a series of challenges for which legislation was not always prepared. Telework in general, the difficult conciliation, virtual meetings and changes in the organization of work have tested both companies and workers in recent weeks. Since the beginning of the […]

New conciliation measures will increase litigation
The new regulations passed to promote equality between men and women recognize the right to adapt working hours, without a reduction thereof, to improve conciliation of work and family life. In the absence of collective bargaining or an individual agreement, there must be a negotiation and, in the event of a dispute, the company’s decision […]

Childbirth leave: on your mark, get set… SHARED RESPONSIBILITY!
Measures aimed at eliminating imbalance in the domestic workload pave the way for new childbirth leave for fathers so that they can share the responsibilities that come with childbirth with their spouses. The plenary session of the Lower House of the Spanish Parliament held on October 16 unanimously approved (with no more and no less […]

Disconnecting from work, an issue that should be regulated
Is a worker entitled to disconnect the digital devices that connect him/her to the company after finishing work? In France, the answer is yes. In Spain, it is unclear, due to the lack of regulation. Since the passing and publication of Law 2016-188 of August 8, 2016 (modifying the Worker’s Code), French law recognizes and […]

Teleworking: alternatives in view of the absence of legislative development
In February 2017, Eurofound and the ILO published the joint report entitled “Working anytime, anywhere: the effects on the world of work”, which analyzed the results of various studies carried out in 15 countries, including Spain, on the effects on teleworking on the working environment, highlighting positive aspects, such as improved work/life balance or greater […]

A reflection on shared responsibility. Is it enough?
There is no doubt about it, the era of shared responsibility has arrived. Its arrival is justified in view of the data revealed by various studies and statistics that show that women’s integration in the workplace has not gone hand in hand with men’s involvement in domestic chores and the care of family members. To […]