Debate on keeping working time records reopens

As you might recall, around this time last year we were engaged in a debate over the employer’s obligation to keep daily working time records. The National Appellate Court initially held that the provision in article 35.5 of the Spanish Workers’ Statute on keeping daily working time records for the purposes of calculating overtime implied […]

The “uberization” of labor relations

When A.M. Snelson called Uber a “modern business phenomenon” in October 2016 and concluded that its drivers were not independent collaborators but rather were linked to the platform by means of a labor relationship, he didn’t know that in handing down his Judgment in London he was laying the foundations for a global review of […]

Novedades regulación laboral

ET calling lawmakers: is there anybody out there?

As the song says “the times they are a-changin’” and, with them, the realities of the job market and its characteristics. Proof of this is the impact of technological development and advances in robotics on the social order. Beyond the traditional types of work regulated under current legislation, these factors are constructing a new “universe” […]

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