
The prohibition on competition must be in line with the duration of the employment contract
A Catalonia High Court judgment has deemed that the post-contractual noncompete undertaking cannot exceed the duration of the employee’s contract. The ban on employees competing with their employers during the term of their employment relationship is imposed by law. However, it is also possible to limit competition following the termination of the employment contract. To […]

Compulsory time recording is now a reality
On May 12 next the measure which requires employers to keep a record of the workday comes into force. In this post we explain several recommendations to guarantee effective implementation of the ‘clock-in/clock-out’ system and to monitor the observance of working hours. Since the publication on March 12, 2019 of Royal Decree 8/2019 on urgent […]

360º Assessment: an opportunity for professional development or a threat to the worker?
360º assessment processes enable workers to assess the performance of their own colleagues, a measure that requires the transparency of the procedure, confidentiality of the information obtained and the monitoring of results. 360º assessment appears as a useful tool for regular assessment of company employees’ professional performance that provides a large volume of information relating to how […]

Japan restricts monthly overtime to 100 hours, while Spain approves daily monitoring of working time
This April new regulations approved by the Japanese parliament will come into force containing a work/life balance measure that will restrict the number of overtime hours of Japanese workers. 236 deaths caused by Karoshi (death from overwork) and 208 suicides caused by Karojisatsu (mental health problems arising at the workplace) have raised the alarm within […]

New conciliation measures will increase litigation
The new regulations passed to promote equality between men and women recognize the right to adapt working hours, without a reduction thereof, to improve conciliation of work and family life. In the absence of collective bargaining or an individual agreement, there must be a negotiation and, in the event of a dispute, the company’s decision […]

Labor equality is the star of the Women’s day celebration
Women’s Day has arrived, accompanied this year by important new features in the legislation on equal treatment and equal opportunities for women and men in employment and occupation. Last Friday, March 1, 2019, the Council of Ministers approved a royal decree-law containing significant measures in this area. This legislation was finally published on March 7, […]