Category: Legislative developments

Towards the standardization of labor compliance
Organizations with an effective labor compliance system in place can improve their reputation and image, strengthening their transparency and business ethics culture. To facilitate this process, an initiative is current underway to develop a UNE standard that helps to improve self-regulation and the development of good practices in the labor relations of companies, through a […]

Teleworking can help to reduce absenteeism
The pandemic in which we have lived since March 2020 has entailed the unavoidable and unexpected implementation of the teleworking system, without any possibility of previously analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of this type of work, and even without there being sufficient regulations on the matter when it all began. Teleworking, in jobs where […]

3-day weekends: a real possibility?
In a year still marked by the pandemic and by its impact on employment, there is an ongoing public debate in Spain regarding the possibility of reducing working time to 4 days a week. At the beginning of 2021 the Government promised the political party Más País to perform a social experiment aimed at having […]

It is possible to deduct part of a worker’s salary for arriving late to work
Fernando Pomposo Labor Chamber Four of the Supreme Court has ruled that companies can deduct the time a worker arrives late to work from his/her salary if it is on a regular basis. The Court considered that “if the failure to provide services is solely attributable to the worker who arrives to work late, the […]

Fines in connection with labor law infringements to increase by 20% as from October 1, 2021
Law 10/2021, of July 9, 2021 on remote working, was published in the Official State Gazette on July 10, 2021. This law, not only regulates the provision of services under a remote working arrangement, but also includes a 20% increase in all fines due to infringements of labor legislation. Although final provision one of […]

Worker vacation time is coming: what is the best contract to cover it?
When vacation is taken by some of the employees, especially when it coincides with a significant number of workers, it may cause an imbalance in company business and the need to hire other workers to substitute those on vacation. On certain occasions, this imbalance may be resolved using internal flexibility measures, such as the relocation […]