Category: Labor law trends

Am I entitled to occupy my desk? The courts rule on “hot desks”
The National Court has upheld the decision by a company to reorganize its workstations, occupying space according to availability. It considered that this does not constitute a material modification of working conditions. Some years ago, companies underwent a first major revolution in organizing their space, changing from compartment offices with little space or cubicles to […]

How telework is affecting occupational health
April 28 marks the celebration of World Day for Safety and Health at Work, proclaimed by the International Labor Organization (ILO). The celebration consists of an international campaign aimed at promoting safe, healthy and decent work. It also honors the victims of occupational accidents and diseases. Currently, one of the topics raising the most concern […]

From telework to the metaverse: a challenge for regulating employment relationships
Alberto García The “metaverse” has probably been one of the most repeated terms in the first quarter of 2022 and is also certainly one of the topics least understood by the majority of the public. The possibilities offered by this form of virtual reality are perhaps infinite, but it is worth asking whether it might […]

An equality plan, the best gift to celebrate International Women’s Day
This year’s International Women’s Day in 2022 is commemorated after the entry in force of the obligation for all companies (unless they have fewer than 50 workers) to draw up and implement an equality plan. The companies employing between 50 and 99 workers are already obliged to have an equality plan. For companies with larger […]

The labor reform will increase the number of worker representatives at companies
Following the labor reform introduced by Royal Decree-law 32/2021, published on December 30, 2021, an unprecedented reduction is foreseen in Spain in temporary contracts. This will also mean a significant increase in indefinite-term contracts and, especially, seasonal contracts, therefore with an increase in the number of worker representatives and trade union presence at companies. Until […]

Is it possible to pay an employee’s salary in cryptocurrency?
Could companies pay their employees’ salaries in cryptocurrency for consumption in a virtual reality? Or as salary in kind? The absence of a legal framework covering these possibilities makes them difficult to implement for the time being. It will also be necessary for the courts and tribunals to reach decisions on such an innovative issue. […]