Diversity and equality make their way into companies

The introduction of inclusive policies that enable a suitable working environment for LGBT workers is becoming increasingly more common. This commitment takes place under the current legislation and by looking forward to the regulations that are currently being passed. International LGBT Pride Day, held on June 28, seeks to visualize the fight for equality by […]

Celebration of World Refugee Day: regulation recognizing their right to work

June 20 is the World Refugee Day. We take this date to remember that refugees deserve the same treatment as other nationals in terms of the possibility of working. This is what is stated in national and international regulations. World Refugee Day, which falls each year on June 20, has been held since 2001 to […]

“For the love of green”: labor law will be greener than ever

Labor relations in the next few decades will be marked by the green transition and the impact that it will have on the world of work. In the area of labor law we are beginning to tackle huge challenges that have given labor law matters in companies and in society a qualitative leap forward. In […]

Environmental obligations of companies in the workplace and lack of regulation in Spain: the current challenge

Spanish law cannot be left out of the progress we are witnessing in environmental matters at both an EU and international level. Given the situation, businesses need to be ready to face the challenges set by Europe and how this will affect their production processes, paying special attention to the supervisory role that workers’ statutory […]

Can an employer be liable for discrimination against a female employee by a third party?

Neither the annual holding of International Women’s Day on March 8, or the profuse existing legislation prevent gender inequality scenarios from continuing to happen. The president of the European Commission was recently ignored by the Ugandan foreign affairs minister because she is a woman. The question that arises from this scenario is what claimable obligations […]

An equality plan, the best gift to celebrate International Women’s Day

This year’s International Women’s Day in 2022 is commemorated after the entry in force of the obligation for all companies (unless they have fewer than 50 workers) to draw up and implement an equality plan. The companies employing between 50 and 99 workers are already obliged to have an equality plan. For companies with larger […]

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