Author: Mónica Díaz Rey

Labor and employment implications on the use of instant messaging applications
The widespread use of new communication tools such as instant messaging applications has legal and labor implications that should be taken into account. We review some rulings in this regard. Devices such as cell phones, tablets and computers are part of workers’ personal and professional lives. Furthermore, the increase in working from home as a […]

Data protection challenges in an employment context
Technological evolution, globalization and the use of Internet constantly raise new questions regarding how to act in situations with a potential impact on personal data protection. This is especially relevant in an employment context, in which multiple situations arise in which it becomes necessary to analyze the impact of an employer’s decisions in connection with […]

Mandatory retirement: the agreement between the Government and social agents fixes new limits
Forced retirement is back in the headlines following the agreement reached with workers’ and employers’ representatives CEOE, CEPYME, CCOO and UGT on July 1, 2021. Specifically, the new aspects of the agreement are as follows: Firstly, to ensure that collective labor agreement clauses cannot be established that envisage the mandatory retirement of workers aged […]

The courts continue to fight the excessive use of temporary contracts
Temporary contracts are in the cross hairs. The adaptation of Spanish law to European Union (EU) legislation in this area is a matter that has been ruled on in recent years by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) which, by answering the questions referred to it for preliminary rulings, is having a […]