Author: Jesús Tejado

Can a company stop giving its employees a ticket in the Christmas Lottery?
The gift of a lottery ticket to workers as a Christmas present may be a double-edged sword. The issue requires determining whether it is a workers’ acquired right or a mere gift or gratuity on the part of the company, which does not bind it in the future. Can an employer therefore stop giving its […]

The thin red line between volunteer work and an employment relationship
Recent decades have seen the growth of what is known as the third sector, or non-profit sector, due, among other things, to the increasingly voluntary, altruistic and selfless participation of society in activities of general interest. The general situation of crisis and the rise in unemployment have fostered an upward trend in volunteer relationships in […]

Should employers adopt specific measures in the workplace to protect confidential information?
In today’s competitive business environment, companies spend a great deal of time and money on obtaining developing and applying knowledge that may give them an edge over other competitors in a particular sector. The widespread use of new technologies, the globalization of the economy, the growth in outsourcing and high turnover of personnel in the […]

Do workers have to product supporting documents to claim traveling expenses?
Under the collective labor rules on the refund of accommodation and living expenses, companies usually lay down guidelines or in-house rules on questions such as the valid documents for supporting the expense, the time limit for the worker to support the incurred expense, compliance with a specific procedure or application form for a refund, and […]