Tag: social security

The urban legend of the ‘digital nomad’
Legend has it that in Spain there are ‘digital nomads’ who can work from here for foreign companies from outside the European Union. But this legend does not explain what employment legislation is applicable and what social security system covers them. We will see below that there is no regulatory answer to these doubts because […]

Spain: The Social Security opens the door to a flat rate for corporate self-employed individuals
Since the entry into force of the Law on Urgent Reforms for Self-employed Individuals, the Social Security has continuously refused access to so-called “corporate self-employed individuals” to a “flat rate”. Three years after the publication of the Law, it now includes them in the scope of application of the benefit, accepting the interpretation of the […]

For a dismissal not to be discriminatory, it suffices to show that there is a ground for dismissal that is entirely free from any type of discrimination
In an increasingly globalized world, it is not uncommon for workers to travel to different member states of the European Union (EU) in search of new job opportunities. Against this backdrop, it is common for workers to have provided services and, consequently, to have paid social security contributions in different EU member states. Regulation (EC) […]

Welcome to Spain…
The now famous adage “Spain is different” is one of those set phrases that we say to tourists and foreign visitors and it is not unusual for those of us who work in global human resources and employment relations environments to also offer these explanations to our counterparts/clients abroad who have an interest (actual or […]