Tag: indefinite-term contracts

What happens when an employee with an indefinite-term contract for seasonal work does not respond to the call to resume work?
One of the main innovations of the last labor reform was the introduction of indefinite-term contracts for seasonal work in companies and sectors in which they had never been used before. However, the new regulation has not resolved certain doubts, such as, for example, how to act in the event a worker fails to respond […]

What happens when workers under indefinite-term contracts for seasonal work have a temporary disability when they are called to work?
The supreme court judgment of July 14, 2016, which went by almost completely unnoticed, dealt with this unique issue affecting workers under indefinite-term contracts for seasonal work, and the companies using this contract type. In the examined case, at the beginning of every season, the defendant company called the workers under indefinite-term contracts for seasonal […]