Tag: contracts

The courts fail to agree over the law applicable to employment contracts of cabin crew
A legal debate has arisen over which legislation applies to the employment contracts of airline cabin crew: the legislation of the country in which the worker was hired?, or the legislation determined by the employer’s nationality? When a strike occurs at an airline or at companies providing ground handling services related to air traffic, […]

Requirements for the electronic signature of employment contracts
In the era of WhatsApp, apps and LinkedIn we live in , the question arises as to whether the electronic signature of the employment contracts equivalents to the traditional handwritten signature. In order to answer that question, we must turn our sights to Regulation No 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions […]

Beginning of the end of fraudulent temporary contracts?
Last Thursday the Government announced a set of measures that are going to be proposed to social partners at the Employment Quality Table, in order to combat unjustified temporary contracts in the employment market and encourage job stability. With the new proposed legislation, the fine that could be imposed by labor inspectors would increase exponentially, […]