Can companies ban smoking even in outdoor spaces?

In its November 13, 2017 judgment, the High Court of Justice of Cantabria rejected a complaint filed against a company that prohibited smoking throughout its factory grounds, including in outdoor spaces where workers went to smoke during their 15-minute breaks. The issue is interesting because it is not a case of determining whether employees can […]

Can we really close the gender pay gap?

In line with the International Labour Organization’s Global Wage Report 2016/2017, the 2017 National Salary Structure Survey finds that, in Spain, women earn an average of €20,051.58 per year, compared to the €25,992.76 average salary for men. In other words, on average, women earn 77.1% of what their male counterparts do. Moreover, in 2017, 18.2% […]

irpf, trabajador, jurisprudencia

What is the proper jurisdiction for employers and employees to resolve personal income tax-related issues?

  The issue as to which jurisdiction is competent to hear claims regarding the appropriateness and amount of personal income tax withholdings made by an employer from an employee has been the subject of settled case law. Indeed, the Supreme Court has repeatedly held that the determination of whether or not personal income tax withholdings […]

indemnización, despido, cálculo indemnización

Mistakes which may end up being expensive in the indemnity for dismissal for objective reasons

One of the aspects which has always caused most concern when embarking on a dismissal for objective reasons is the correct provision of the indemnity provided for this form of termination of contracts. The provision of the indemnity itself at the same time as the notice of dismissal, by check or transfer. The determination of […]

López Ribalda Case: a review of the case law of the constitutional court on video surveillance?

Again, a ruling of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) causes major controversy about the constantly questioned and difficult balance between the employer’s right to monitor and surveil the activity of its employees and the latter’s right to the protection of their privacy (privacy and personal data). The judgment delivered by the ECHR on […]

Do workers loaned by temporary employment agencies have the same rights?

Equal treatment of the employees of a user company and the workers loaned to it by a temporary employment agency (known as an “ETT” in Spain) continues to be a highly relevant issue and has undergone some changes in recent years. Article 11 of Law 14/1994, of June 1,1994, regulating ETTs, has been significantly amended […]

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