Disconnecting from work: a new reality

Employers must develop in-house policies laying down the right of employees to disconnect from work, with special emphasis on remote working using digital tools. Recent legislation — Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, 2018 — not only brings Spanish law on the protection of personal data up-to-date, but also includes a section regulating the protection of citizens’ […]

Disconnecting from work, an issue that should be regulated

Is a worker entitled to disconnect the digital devices that connect him/her to the company after finishing work? In France, the answer is yes. In Spain, it is unclear, due to the lack of regulation. Since the passing and publication of Law 2016-188 of August 8, 2016 (modifying the Worker’s Code), French law recognizes and […]

Force majeure temporary layoff in Spain: labor solution before a cyberattack?

A judgment by the National High Court opened up the possibility of applying a temporary layoff file as a company is compromised by a hack and cannot go on with its activity as usual. On March 9, 2021, a routine morning at Spain’s State Public Employment Service (SEPE) turned into a day of chaos and […]

Attracting young talent: the “Tinderization” of employment relationships

Businesses have a huge challenge ahead: they will have to sharpen their wits to attract the attention of the new generations of professionals who join the labor market and are used to interacting in a digital world through applications in which immediacy and quick and easy access to information is the norm. In this context, […]

The “uberization” of labor relations

When A.M. Snelson called Uber a “modern business phenomenon” in October 2016 and concluded that its drivers were not independent collaborators but rather were linked to the platform by means of a labor relationship, he didn’t know that in handing down his Judgment in London he was laying the foundations for a global review of […]

Novedades regulación laboral

ET calling lawmakers: is there anybody out there?

As the song says “the times they are a-changin’” and, with them, the realities of the job market and its characteristics. Proof of this is the impact of technological development and advances in robotics on the social order. Beyond the traditional types of work regulated under current legislation, these factors are constructing a new “universe” […]

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