Category: Social security

Spain: The Social Security opens the door to a flat rate for corporate self-employed individuals
Since the entry into force of the Law on Urgent Reforms for Self-employed Individuals, the Social Security has continuously refused access to so-called “corporate self-employed individuals” to a “flat rate”. Three years after the publication of the Law, it now includes them in the scope of application of the benefit, accepting the interpretation of the […]

Social security classification of senior managers, directors and board members
The social security authorities have launched a campaign to analyze the classification of senior management personnel, directors and board members of commercial companies. Against this backdrop, we review the differences between classifying a relationship under the general social security regime or under the special regime for self-employed workers and their implications In recent months, many […]

No-deal brexit: how will it affect companies and workers?
The United Kingdom has been postponing its departure from the European Union, following various unsuccessful attempts to secure an orderly exit, and all eyes are now on October 31, 2019. For the time being uncertainty looms for the other member states and their nationals, especially Spanish workers who are currently providing services in the United […]

Voluntary collaboration by employers in the management of sick leave benefits comes to an end
Voluntary collaboration by employers in the management of sick leave benefits comes to an end May 30, 2019 Verónica Lagares Tena The approval of Royal Decree-law 28/2018 has done away with voluntary collaboration by employers in the management of sick leave benefits due to common contingencies – non-occupational illnesses or accidents-. Voluntary collaboration […]

Smoking three packs of cigarettes a day does not prevent a heart attack from being considered as a work-related accident
Supreme Court case law assumes that cardiovascular damage is a work-related accident, due to the fact that stress from work often triggers or contributes to cardiovascular disease. The Supreme Court has ruled the death of a security guard that suffered a sudden heart attack at work and during working hours as a work-related accident, […]

A social security code for robots?
The debate arose at the World Economic Forum (WEF) ( this year, when it indicated that according to different studies, robots (artificial intelligence) would lead to a loss of five million jobs in the top fifteen most industrialized countries worldwide. Is it, as the famous REM song says, the end of the world as we […]