Category: ESG

Fighting against child labor in the world: Spanish companies’ obligations to eradicate it
On the World Day against Child Labor, we review the obligations that companies in Spain must comply with to eradicate child labor in the world. These measures translate into reporting duties on their own personnel and those of the companies in their value chain in terms of human rights, including child labor. We also flag […]

Family co-responsibility, key element to equal opportunities for men and women at the workplace
Co-responsibility is the equal sharing of household chores and family responsibilities between men and women. The latest legislative reforms on equality in the workplace (and the interpretation of judicial bodies) are inspired by this concept, seeking to ensure that men and women enjoy equally measures related to family care. The aim: ensuring that women’s professional […]

Spain: New employer obligations to ensure equality for LGBTI and trans employees
Companies with more than 50 employees have one year in which to comply with the Transgender Law by putting in place an action plan and measures to foster LGTBI equality and an LGTBI anti-harassment protocol Law 4/2023, of February 28, 2022, for real and effective equality of transgender people and to guarantee the rights of […]

Labor relations as an essential instrument to achieve equality between men and women
In recent months, a number of regulations have introduced new developments in the area of equality in the workplace in Spain. From the obligation to adopt measures to guarantee equal working conditions to the acknowledgement of sick leave for pregnant women from the first day of the 39th week of pregnancy. We take a look […]

Spain: The “only yes is yes” Law also introduces employment changes
The legislation introduces rights relating to timetable, functional and geographical flexibility, and the possible suspension or termination of employment contracts. On the other hand, employers are obliged to promote awareness and training of all staff for the purpose of avoiding sexual violence. The changes in relation to employment that have been introduced in our legislation […]

Integration of people with disabilities into the job market advancing at a sluggish pace
The International Day of Persons with Disabilities was held on December 3, but one year on, little significant progress has been made in improving employment for this group. One of the biggest unfinished tasks for the Spanish job market is to improve employment opportunities for people with disabilities. The data revealed in the Report on […]