Author: Miguel Ángel Díaz
The labor reform will increase the number of worker representatives at companies
Following the labor reform introduced by Royal Decree-law 32/2021, published on December 30, 2021, an unprecedented reduction is foreseen in Spain in temporary contracts. This will also mean a significant increase in indefinite-term contracts and, especially, seasonal contracts, therefore with an increase in the number of worker representatives and trade union presence at companies. Until […]
From Jägermeister to justified dismissal: controversial conduct by workers on sick leave
Although certain sources claim that the famous German liquor Jägermeister was used during the Second World War by soldiers as an anesthetic and disinfectant, we are still unaware (at least officially) of its properties in dealing with anxiety and depression and its consumption by workers on sick leave could be questioned. We begin with […]
Spreading fake news about employers may lead to dismissal
When fake news is spread which directly affects an employer or its workforce, one can go to court or adopt the appropriate disciplinary decisions, if it is a worker who spreads such news. Fake news is having an impact on employment relations. Numerous companies cannot find an effective way of counteracting fake news published on […]
![La falta de prioridad aplicativa del convenio de centro de trabajo](
The lack of priority in the application of the collective labor agreement of the work center
A major new change brought by the 2012 labor reform was the principle that companywide collective labor agreements take priority over sectoral collective labor agreements in matters such as wages, compensation for overtime, timetable and distribution of working time, shift work arrangements, vacation planning, etc.; in other words, the most important working conditions for both […]