Author: Mercedes Antón

Spain: The “only yes is yes” Law also introduces employment changes
The legislation introduces rights relating to timetable, functional and geographical flexibility, and the possible suspension or termination of employment contracts. On the other hand, employers are obliged to promote awareness and training of all staff for the purpose of avoiding sexual violence. The changes in relation to employment that have been introduced in our legislation […]

Paternity leave under the legal spotlight
2019 saw the approval of the regulation giving maternity and paternity leave equal treatment, with both parents being able to choose the same days’ paid leave. However, some of the loose ends of the new regulation are now being addressed by the courts. Royal Decree-law 6/2019 on urgent measures to ensure equal treatment and opportunities […]

The Spanish Data Protection Agency offers pointers on how to protect workers’ data
The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) has published its guidelines on data protection in labor relations to help both public and private organizations adequately comply with the law in force. The guidelines are in response to questions that have arisen in the current legal framework, particularly following publication of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in […]

Vacation in the time of covid-19: can the vacation period be changed?
The summer months are here, which is when employees at most companies take their vacations. In the current context created by the pandemic a shortage of work in many sectors and uncertainty over what will happen in the final months of the year are raising a stream of doubts over whether companies can take steps […]

Not all pay slip formats are valid
At a time when companies are immersed in the not-always-easy process of complying with the different labor obligations imposed by the recent reforms (registration of working hours, recording of salaries, etc.), a new formal issue has to be added to the list: to revise the pay slip structure to ensure that it has no defects […]