Author: María Muñoz Muñoz

Temporary hiring returns to the forefront in the next labor reform
For several months, there has been talk of the labor reform that the Government wants to implement. Once again, the main issues subject to debate and possible modification will include the need to limit temporary contracting. In this regard, we should not overlook the fact that providing companies with more flexibility to adjust their staff […]

Teleworking can help to reduce absenteeism
The pandemic in which we have lived since March 2020 has entailed the unavoidable and unexpected implementation of the teleworking system, without any possibility of previously analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of this type of work, and even without there being sufficient regulations on the matter when it all began. Teleworking, in jobs where […]

For a dismissal not to be discriminatory, it suffices to show that there is a ground for dismissal that is entirely free from any type of discrimination
In an increasingly globalized world, it is not uncommon for workers to travel to different member states of the European Union (EU) in search of new job opportunities. Against this backdrop, it is common for workers to have provided services and, consequently, to have paid social security contributions in different EU member states. Regulation (EC) […]