Labor and employment implications on the use of instant messaging applications

The widespread use of new communication tools such as instant messaging applications has legal and labor implications that should be taken into account. We review some rulings in this regard. Devices such as cell phones, tablets and computers are part of workers’ personal and professional lives. Furthermore, the increase in working from home as a […]

May children’s extracurricular activities justify a certain adaptation of the working day in Spain?

Since its introduction in our legal system, the adaptation of working hours regulated in article 34.8 of the Workers’ Statute has been gaining ground as a measure to reconcile the work and family life of employees. However, the adaptations requested do not always meet the requirements of reasonableness and proportionality established in the law. The […]

The EU equates cross-border teleworking to the EU posted employees

A framework agreement has been published that brings the social security treatment of cross-border teleworkers in the EU into line with that of EU posted employees. The Social Security regulation applicable to cross-border teleworking is no longer a ‘rara avis’ but an increasingly common phenomenon that companies will have to learn to live with. The […]

Heatwave warning: What should companies do to protect their workers?

The increase in summer temperatures over the last few years has a huge impact on workers who are exposed to heat stress and have to do physical work. In terms of prevention, companies need to take the appropriate measures to protect workers and avoid heat-related illnesses, such as heat rash, cramps, fainting, dehydration, heat exhaustion […]

What happens when an employee with an indefinite-term contract for seasonal work does not respond to the call to resume work?

One of the main innovations of the last labor reform was the introduction of indefinite-term contracts for seasonal work in companies and sectors in which they had never been used before. However, the new regulation has not resolved certain doubts, such as, for example, how to act in the event a worker fails to respond […]

It is not a case of ‘everything goes’ when you are working from home: justice marks the red lines of remote working

The remote working boom has also led to an increase in the number of cases that reach the courts in connection with teleworking conditions. We analyze some of the controversial subjects on which decisions have already been handed down by the courts. Remote working can save money both for businesses and employees, but its benefits […]

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