Author: Paula Aretio Antón

Spain – One year on from the employment contract reform: what has changed?
2022 has come to an end. And in labor law circles we are celebrating an anniversary one year on from the much heralded labor reform published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) through Royal Decree-Law 32/2021 of December 28, 2021, on urgent measures for labor reform, ensuring stable employment and transforming the labor market. Royal […]

What role can companies play in the area of mental health?
On occasion of the publication by the Ministry of Health of the National Mental Health Strategy for 2022-2026, we reflect on how preventive action can contribute to an increase in the level of mental health of workers. Following the Covid-19 pandemic and especially in 2021, society has begun to talk about mental health and thus […]

New ground for a dismissal to be held null and void: discrimination by association
Can a dismissal be discriminatory based on gender and, therefore, null and void, even though the employee that has been dismissed does not form part of a legally protected group? The conclusion reached by the Labor Chamber of the High Court of Justice of Galicia, in its judgment of March 4, 2021, was that […]

Gender equality plan: time is of the essence
Since last March, companies with more than 150 workers are obliged to prepare and implement a gender equality plan. In March 2021, this requirement will be extended to all companies with more than 100 workers and, in 2022, companies with more than 50 employees will also have to comply. The unprecedented situation we have been […]