Author: Patricia Vicén

Integration of people with disabilities into the job market advancing at a sluggish pace
The International Day of Persons with Disabilities was held on December 3, but one year on, little significant progress has been made in improving employment for this group. One of the biggest unfinished tasks for the Spanish job market is to improve employment opportunities for people with disabilities. The data revealed in the Report on […]

As the ODS get older, ESG criteria make progress, also in a labor environment
September 25 is the sixth anniversary of the approval of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by the United Nations Organization (UNO). Objectives such as gender equality and equal pay for the same work, as well as theprotection of labor rights, are among the UNO’s priorities from a labor perspective. In recent years, the business world […]

The prohibition on competition must be in line with the duration of the employment contract
A Catalonia High Court judgment has deemed that the post-contractual noncompete undertaking cannot exceed the duration of the employee’s contract. The ban on employees competing with their employers during the term of their employment relationship is imposed by law. However, it is also possible to limit competition following the termination of the employment contract. To […]